Vol. 8 No. 1 (2025)

This Online First edition is featuring selected and double-blind peer-reviewed papers for the very first upcoming edition of Global Health Management Journal : Vol. 8, No. 1 (2025). Everyone is invited to submit an article at any time (no deadline for submission). Once the article is editorially accepted, it will be published as Online First before inclusion in an issue. 

The Global Health Management Journal (GHMJ) invites submissions for its January-February 2025 issue (Volume 8, Number 1). We welcome high-quality, original research articles, reviews, photo essays, and case studies that contribute to advancements in the following categories:

  1. Health Promotion for Children, Youth, and Families,
  2. Health Services, Media, Management, and Policy,
  3. Health Education, Intervention, and Systems,
  4. Epidemiology, Nutrition, Health Behavior, and Public Health,
  5. Women's, Nursing, and Midwifery Health,
  6. Mental Health and Well-being,
  7. Environmental, Occupational Health, and Safety,
  8. Applied Science Related to Health Development,
  9. Medical Technology and Applications.

The Global Health Management Journal (GHMJ) does not receive articles via email, but only through the OJS System. For more information regarding paper submission and publication policy, please visit our guidelines For Author in our website. We also invite scholars and practitioners to join us as peer review with criteria as stated in our For Peer Reviewers page. 

Published: 2025-01-01


  • Climate Change: The Urgent Need for Global Health Strategies to Counter Adverse Impacts on Human Health

    Prof. Andrew John Macnab
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811205


  • Thailand Policies for PM 2.5 and the Hidden Problems

    Supim Wongtongtair, Ph.D
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811208

Research Articles

  • Soft Power and Stress: The Health Impacts of Indonesian Soap Operas on Malaysian Millennials

    Rangga Cipta Perdana, M.A., Ernida Kadir, S.Kar., M.Hum., Ph.D , Genta Iverstika Gempita, M.A.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811146
  • Strengthening HIV Education and Health Promotion in Schools: A Case Study of ‘Aisyiyah Junior High School Bantul, Indonesia

    Dr. Dhesi Ari Astuti, S.SiT., M.Kes., Muhamad Saleh, S.H.,M.H., Bdn. Nurul Kurniati, S.ST., M.Keb., Siti Fatimah, SST, M.Keb., Cindy Putri Febrianti, M.Keb., Khoirunnisah Hasibuan, S.Tr.Keb, M.Keb.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811147
  • The Quality of Life in Heart Failure Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) Patients: A Phenomenon of Obesity Paradox

    dr. Yogi Puji Rachmawan, SpJP., dr. Witri Pratiwi, M.Kes, Dr. dr. Helda, M.Kes
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811151
  • Factors Related to Personal Hygiene of Traditional Jamu Handler in Bantul District, Indonesia

    Dr. Dyah Suryani, M.Kes., Atika Rahma Indriani, Suyitno, MPHM.
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35898/ghmj-811154

Best Practice