Principles of Transparency

GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) fully adheres to the ethical guidelines for research and publication described in the Guidelines on Good Publication (, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Guidelines (, and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing; the fourth version of a work in progress (published September 15, 2022) [joint statement by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)] (;

The name of Global Health Management Journal was selected considering global health issues as the emerging trend around 2017 when GHMJ was initiated. The notion of management was added to global health to cover a broader area of interest, not only on the health science itself but also its management aspects. Learn the details of the Focus and Scope here.
The journal website is highly maintained for security aspects that help protect users from viruses and malware. HTTPS protocol is used by GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) ( The text and web content are highly ensured to demonstrate high ethical and professional standards. No information may mislead readers or authors, including any attempt to mimic another journal/publisher’s site. Acknowledgment is declared or linked if any text is copied from another website or source. Focus and scope are included on the GHMJ website, and its readership is clearly defined. Statements on what this journal will consider for publication, including authorship criteria (e.g., not considering multiple submissions or redundant publications), are also clearly displayed in the publication ethics. The journal’s ISSN is clearly shown on the website.
This is clearly described in the Information for Authors.
The article content in GHMJ is included in the Public Knowledge Project Private Network (PKP PN) for purposes of preservation and restoration. In addition, GHMJ is listed in the Keepers Registry. This is clearly indicated.
The policy for copyright is clearly stated on the journal's website. GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal), its website, and the articles published therein are licensed under Creative Commons License Deed – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The copyright holder is also named on all published articles (both HTML and PDF). It is noteworthy that authors retain unrestricted copyright and publishing rights. They are also permitted to archive the article submitted, accepted, and the publisher’s versions. The copyright notice and deposit policy are clearly stated at the Licence Policy section.
Licensing information is clearly described in guidelines on the GHMJ website, and licensing terms are indicated on all published articles, both HTML and PDF, under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.  They are also permitted to archive the article submitted, accepted, and the publisher’s versions under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This is clearly stated in the Licensing information.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) has a detailed publication ethics policy, which is clearly visible on its website. Regarding authorship and contributorship, those who meet the ICMJE authorship criteria will be included. Editors are committed to taking reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication. In no case shall GHMJ or its editors encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow it to occur. Suppose the publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article in this journal. In that case, the publisher or editors are committed to following COPE’s guidelines in dealing with allegations.
GHMJ operates a double-blind review, with at least two external peer reviewers or independent expert reviewers to assess the paper's scientific quality. The detail of the peer review process and policy can be seen here.
The way in which the journal and individual articles are fully open access to readers is clearly stated.
Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, internationally known as Indonesian Scholars' Alliance (InSchooL), is the only publisher, owner, and sponsor for GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal). The publishing work is fully managed by the Department of Publication. There is no misleading information about the nature of the journal’s owner.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) has an editorial board whose members are recognized experts in the subject areas included within the journal’s scope. The editorial board members are updated periodically.
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) provides the full names and affiliations of the journal’s editors on the journal website as well as contact information for the editorial office, including a full address (Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, Jalan. Meranti Timur Dalam IV No.35 Padangsari, Banyumanik, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia (50267).
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) charges authors fees for Article Processing Charge (APC), which is stated clearly on the website.
The business model and revenue sources of GHMJ are clearly stated on the journal’s website.The journal’s expenses are fully covered by the publisher (Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand). The publication is funded by a fee paid at the time of acceptance, usually by an author’s institution or funder. It should be noted that publishing fees or waiver status does not influence editorial decision-making.
GHMJ states clearly its advertising policy.
Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts conducted on behalf of GHMJ, are appropriate, well-targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the publisher and the journal is truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.