Publication Process
All manuscripts should be submitted to GLOBAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (GHMJ) through our online journal system. Prior submission, author(s) are requested to register by creating user name and password and complete all the information to comply the open journal system requirements. We strongly suggest author(s) to regularly check their spam folder and update their “safe senders” list to ensure that emails from GHMJ are not filtered into spam folder.
If manuscripts are considered suitable for peer review but do not contain all information requested in our for authors section, they will be returned with a request to supply the omitted detail. An Author check list is provided to ensure author(s) have followed the necessary steps for submission.
Each author must declare their potential conflict of interest as a result of financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, patents, and paid expert testimony) by signing author’s Conflict of Interests Declaration.
The Conflict of Interests Declaration should be submitted to GLOBAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (GHMJ) through online journal system together with Ethic Committee Approval as supplementary files.
Each manuscript will be reviewed by the journal’s Editor, who will decide whether the submission fits the scope and focus of the journal. Submissions will be sent to one of the journal section editors – subject experts who sit on the journal’s editorial board who will decide if it is suitable for peer review and nominate two appropriate peer reviewers.
As the journal follows a double blind peer review process, the journal editorial team is responsible for choosing peer reviewers. However authors may suggest independent reviewers to assess their manuscript although it cannot be guaranteed to be accepted. Submissions will generally be sent to two peer reviewers, but in some cases the opinion of a third reviewer may be sought. We may also seek the assistance of a statistical reviewer if necessary. Peer reviewers submit their reviews through our open journal access system. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make the final decision on whether to accept or reject a peer reviewer’s assessment.
Reviewer comments are communicated to authors who are invited to revise their manuscript to accommodate reviewer suggestions through the open journal system. Authors should resend their manuscript with revisions in tracked changes. If the journal editorial team considers the reviewer’s comments have not been sufficiently addressed, the manuscript will not be published. Manuscripts will also be edited by the editorial team for structure, style and clarity. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, a PDF proof of the edited article will be sent to the author for proof reading.
If a manuscript is considered particularly timely, the journal may consider it for publication in Online First section of the website. This will mean the paper is published ahead of the triannual issue, but will be removed from the Online First section and incorporated into the completed triannual issue once it is published.
After received the acceptance confirmation, prior publication, authors must sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement and send the scanned file to and