Pain, guided imagery relaxation, post-surgical sectio caesariaAbstract
Background: Pain is one of the diagnostic study found in the post-surgical phases, including sectio caesaria. Sectio caesaria surgery causes tissue and cell damage that result in the release of painful substances such as bradykinin, lactic acid and prostaglandins. These substances cause nociceptor impulses and lower the pain threshold, causing the sensitivity of pain receptors. One of the interventions that can be done to relief the pain is through the use of guided imagery relaxation techniques. This method was one of the nonpharmacological treatments to lessen the pain by using words and positive imagination.
Aim: To compare the pain level of the patients with post operation of sectio caesaria, before and after guided imagery relaxation.
Methods: The research design was pre-experimental with one pre-test group of 30 patients. The population in this study were post-operative patients of sectio caesaria at Muhammadiyah General Hospital Siti Aminah Bumiayu, where in October 2014 the number of cure patients treated in the Marwah Room were 55 patients. The respondents' samples were taken from their surgical procedures of sectio caesaria. The sampling technique was purposive sampling.
Results: The result showed the difference in level of pain, whereas before guided imagery relaxation the patients had 100% of pain level, and after the treatment it decreased to 90 % of pain level. The analysis of Wilcoxon Signed Rank test of 95% CI (α=0,05) yielded p-value 0,000 < α (0,05). Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS), the scale used in assessing pain, is the scale of intensity of descriptive pain. The assessment will be more accurate if the clients are able to precisely describe the perceived sensation. The nurse may also provide a glossary of terms to describe the pain to the clients.
Conclusion: Guided imagery relaxation had a significant effect towards the levels of post-operative sectio caesaria's pain. Nurses can apply guided imagery relaxation as an intervention and develop the related standard operational procedure (SOP) to ease the patients' pain problem.
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