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Author Guidelines

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health is a conference collection of technical papers freely accessible to scholars over the world. This publication is dedicated to report original research findings, best practices, and review articles presented at the International Conference on Applied Science and Health (ICASH)

Here's the Guidelines for manuscript writing:


  • Research article includes original research paper in quantitative, qualitative or both.
  • Review refers to systematic review, literature review, and topical issues of interest related to health and applied science in health.
  • Best practice highlights real-world innovative public health programs and activities, including evaluation of existing health and applied science programs.
  • Photo essays mostly comprise of 10-15 high resolution photographs with 200-500 words of text on a topic that relates to health and well-being. No abstract is required for Photo essay. The photographs can broadly describe the extension of political, social, and environmental determinants of health. The description should lift the emotion of story or event that able to connect the content to health problems and solutions. Authors hold the right to reproduce the photographs and must able to provide Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health with permission to reproduce.



A. Manuscripts should be typewritten in English with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins all around, 11-point Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line-spacing with a maximum 3500 words (Not inclusive of Tables, Acknowledgement and References).

B. The manuscript should include these following sections :

1. Title and list of authors.

  • The title must be concise, clear, and informative. Titles with more than 25 words are not prohibited, but they are discouraged. All authors should be listed using first name, initials, last name and academic affiliation.  The corresponding author should be specified and indicated with (*), and an address for correspondence (usually an e-mail address) should be provided. The title page should be separated from the Abstract and Content.

2. Abstract and Keywords

  • Abstract must be written in English, single-spaced and not exceed 300 words. Abstract must be in text only (no graphs, tables, diagrams, images, etc.). Abstract should include justification of the study, aims, methodology, results and conclusion.
  • Keywords: Provide at least three keywords to enable online search

3. Content consists of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgement (if any), and References.

  • Introduction section should present the context and justification of the research, the knowledge gap that the research addresses, and the research hypothesis as appropriate. 
  • Methods.  This section should clearly present research procedures, sample size calculations as appropriate, dependent and independent variables, comparisons made in testing research hypotheses, and statistical techniques applied.   Null hypotheses may be stated in this section. 
  • Results should clearly present study findings, using text, tables, and figures as appropriate.   This section usually includes descriptive findings (e.g., distributions of dependent and independent variables) and analytical findings (e.g., associations between dependent and independent variables). 
  • Discussion section presents an interpretation of research findings, relates findings to findings of the relevant previous research, summarizes study strengths and limitations, and makes research-related and policy-related recommendations as appropriate. 
  • Conclusion section should cover major findings of the study and policy recommendations.
  • In the manuscript, authors must declare their potential Conflict of Interest as a result of financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, patents, and paid expert testimony)
  • If any, Acknowledgment of persons, organizations, and funding sources, should be placed before the reference section.
  • Conflict of interest: The authors must disclose in writing any financial interests or other conflicts which can influence the conclusions and outcomes of studies. Conflict of interest must be declared in the manuscript.

4. Tables and Figures should be submitted in editable Word or Excel format (not picture), and be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be placed near the indicated text. Table and figure should be clearly mentioned in the text, following the order.



In-text citation

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Health adopting Vancouver citation style. In-text citations are to be numbered consecutively in Square Brackets "[ ]”. (Some examples of how to quote the references are given below. 

Health and well-being is a fundamental right of every human being [1]. Governments of every nation responsible to provide facilities and supporting policies to enable people accessing healthcare services [2]. As the Sustainable Development Goals have highlighted the commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases by 2030 by putting good health and well-being as the indicator [3], it is important to review the current situation to provide the policy makers and government designing future health programs. Not only government, individuals as community members are also responsible for their own health and well-being. Better society can be established when governments, community members, and private sectors are working together at the same direction to reach the goals. 


Reference list

In the list, the references should be given in the same number order as the citations mentioned in the text. For citation from a journal, the journal's full name, volumen, and page should be given. Periodical (Journal) abbreviations should follow those used by PubMed ( 

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (citation-sequence style). Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. 

Some examples of how to quote the references are given, following the above citations. 

Journal article

Alison MB, Nobles J. Ethnic diversity, traditional norms, and marriage behaviour in Indonesia. Population Studies. 2009;63(3):277-94.

Book section

Bongaarts J. The Proximate Determinants Of Natural Marital Fertility. In: Bulatao RA, editor. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1983.

Entire book

WHO. Adolescent pregnancy: unmet needs and undone deeds: a review of the literature and programmes. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2007.


Widyastari DA, Shaluhiyah Z, Widjanarko B. The Influence of Internet Exposure on Adolescents' Sexual Attitudes: A Study among Secondary School Students in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Semarang: Diponegoro University; 2009.

Conference proceedings

Widyastari DA, Isarabhakdi P. Socio-economic and Demographic Characteristics of Early Childbearers in Indonesia. ASEAN/Asian Academic Society International Conference Proceeding Series; 2016; Mahidol University Thailand: Asian Academic Society International Conference 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. All manuscripts submitted tothe the committee will be kept its confidentiality. However, manuscripts may be shared internally with Editorial Board members and other editors at the journal as part of our editorial and production processes. The journal will not disclose the identity of peer reviewers, and the reviewers should not disclose their identity without first consulting the journal. Rejected manuscripts will be deleted after rejection.