GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal)

About the Journal

ISSN 2580-9296 (ONLINE)

GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) is an open-access, triannual, peer-reviewed, online journal with a strong emphasize on health and applied science in health. Authors are welcomed to submit original research paper, systematic review, best practice, perspectives, and photo essay in health-related topics to our journal. 

Registered since 19 June 2017 under the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia , the journal is published by Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, also known as Indonesian Scholars' Alliance, based in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.

To expand the user's engagement, the journal is indexed by Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)Google ScholarOCLC WorldCat, and Portal Garuda Indonesia Publication Index. The metadata is archived at the Index Copernicus International. The last publication is updated at JournalTOCs and Scilit (a comprehensive and open-access scholarly database developed and maintained by MDPI). All our published papers have been stored in Semantic Scholar and OpenAlex, significantly enhancing their visibility and citation potential through AI-driven discoverability. 

Everyone is invited to submit an article at any time (no deadline for submission). Once the article is editorially accepted, it will be published as Online First before inclusion in an issue. GHMJ does not receive articles via email. For more information regarding paper submission and publication policy, please visit our guidelines For Author in our website. We also invite scholars and practitioners to join us as peer review with criteria as stated in our For Peer Reviewers page. 

We are a member of Crossref, therefore, Authors of GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) can claim their published articles at Base Search and connect it with their ORCID. Also, visit GHMJ's online catalogs from universities and librarian overseas. Authors may use this manuscript template when preparing their paper (check submission checklist).


VOL. 8, NO. 1 (2025): ONLINE FIRST

This Online First edition is featuring selected and double-blind peer-reviewed papers for the very first upcoming edition of Global Health Management Journal : Vol. 8, No. 1 (2025). Everyone is invited to submit an article at any time (no deadline for submission). Once the article is editorially accepted, it will be published as Online First before inclusion in an issue. 

The Global Health Management Journal (GHMJ) invites submissions for its January-February 2025 issue (Volume 8, Number 1). We welcome high-quality, original research articles, reviews, photo essays, and case studies that contribute to advancements in the following categories:

  1. Health Promotion for Children, Youth, and Families,
  2. Health Services, Media, Management, and Policy,
  3. Health Education, Intervention, and Systems,
  4. Epidemiology, Nutrition, Health Behavior, and Public Health,
  5. Women's, Nursing, and Midwifery Health,
  6. Mental Health and Well-being,
  7. Environmental, Occupational Health, and Safety,
  8. Applied Science Related to Health Development,
  9. Medical Technology and Applications.


Soft Power and Stress: The Health Impacts of Indonesian Soap Operas on Malaysian Millennials

Rangga Cipta Perdana, M.A., Ernida Kadir, S.Kar., M.Hum., Ph.D , Genta Iverstika Gempita, M.A. (DOI:

Strengthening HIV Education and Health Promotion in Schools: A Case Study of ‘Aisyiyah Junior High School Bantul, Indonesia

Dr. Dhesi Ari Astuti, S.SiT., M.Kes., Muhamad Saleh, S.H.,M.H., Bdn. Nurul Kurniati, S.ST., M.Keb., Siti Fatimah, SST, M.Keb., Cindy Putri Febrianti, M.Keb., Khoirunnisah Hasibuan, S.Tr.Keb, M.Keb. (DOI:

The Quality of Life in Heart Failure Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) Patients: A Phenomenon of Obesity Paradox

dr. Yogi Puji Rachmawan, SpJP., dr. Witri Pratiwi, M.Kes., Dr. dr. Helda, M.Kes. (DOI:


Call for Reviewers for Special Edition 2025: GHMJ X CIHES by FKUGJ


We are excited to announce a special edition of the Global Health Management Journal that will focus on critical areas in the field of health, including Clinical Research; Public Health and Epidemiology; Pharmaceutical and Therapeutic Studies; and Health Education and Promotion. To ensure the highest standard of peer-reviewed work, we are seeking knowledgeable and committed reviewers to join our team.

This edition will feature selected papers from the 1st Cirebon International Health Symposium, hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, and supported by the publisher, Indonesian Scholars Alliance

We believe your expertise and experience will greatly contribute to the success of this special edition and the journal as a whole. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to to confirm your commitment.

← For Conference Organizers: Publish your selected papers as Special Edition at Global Health Management Journal

Read more about Call for Reviewers for Special Edition 2025: GHMJ X CIHES by FKUGJ

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024)
                    View Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024)

This Special Edition features the selected papers from the 1st Cirebon International Health Symposium, organized by Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, in cooperation with the publisher Indonesian Scholars' Alliance. Prior the review process, the authors have submitted the Ethical Approval document and the authorship declaration. The papers published in this Special Edition have been double-blind peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board of Global Health Management Journal, and the internal or external reviewer, which the Reviewer Acknowledgment document is available online with DOI Number 10.35898/ghmj-741148

To comply with the GHMJ's Principles of Transparency, the Editor sent submission acknowledgement to the co-authors.  Last, but not least, prior publication, to comply with GHMJ's Screening of Plagiarism policy, the corresponding authors have been requested to run for Similarity Check Result including the AI likely generated text screening.

GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) is recruiting reviewers for the journal. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, we welcome you to join us. Please register at our website and indicate as Reviewer, and kindly send confirmation for your commitment to email address

← For Conference Organizers: Publish your selected papers as Special Edition at Global Health Management Journal

Published: 2024-11-21

Reviewer Acknowledgements

Research Articles

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GLOBAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (GHMJ) is published by Yayasan Alliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand, also known as Indonesian Scholars' Alliance, based in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Under InSchooL as an education corporation, GHMJ serves to accommodate health scholars and practitioners to publish innovative and good-quality papers as strong evidences to support policy makers in developing health program. The journal focuses on health field with strong preference (but not limited) on public health in general, maternal and child health, nursing, midwifery, sexual and reproductive health, public health nutrition, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health promotion, health economics in South East Asia and other regions. Applied science in health also becomes one of our priority, especially in the field of health information and technology, innovation in health, and development of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives.

Authors may use this manuscript template when preparing their paper.