Sanskrit Loanword as Proper Name in Thai and Javanese Societies
Proper name, Sanskrit loanword, Language, CultureAbstract
Naming is one of the most important processes in social interaction in which to identify things, persons, and places. Therefore, person naming become a sign of a parent's wish for their baby. Parents will choose a special name for their baby with several of considerations, such as: family, religion, culture, and gender. This paper is aimed to study the usage of Sanskrit loanword as proper names in Thai and Javanese societies. Several Sanskrit loanwords which usually used as terms in educational, religious, ritual, mythical, geographical, economic, political, arts and literature activities are also used as proper names in both Thai and Javanese societies. Some Sanskrit names are considered as male names in both societies because the meanings of these words stereotypically performed male characteristics, such as powerful, strong, as protector. Some Sanskrit names are considered as female names in both societies because the meaning of these words stereotypically performed female characteristics, such as beauty and happiness, etc. However, meanings of several words sometimes are appropriate for both sexes, or vice versa. Thus, these words sometimes attached by male or female markers which distinguish the both two sexes.
Keywords: Proper name, Sanskrit loanword, Language, Culture.
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